how to make apple pie

For all the purpose of 1/4 cup mango (spooned and raised to the head), more and more baking roasting
1 recipe (2 disc) messed up with Apple's Pee Basic pie
2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice (from 1 lemon)
4 pounds (8 to 10) apples, empire, grandmothers smith, galley, colland, winemaking, or mix
3/4 cup sugar
Cinnamon on 1 teaspoon ground
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 pieces unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1. Dig a large piece of paper flour; Take the mixture into the mixture. Rolling from the center, form it into a 12 inch circle. (Need dough paper, roll rolling pin, paper etc.). Transfer to baking sheet (still paper); Cover, and so on. Repeat with the second disc of the pit.
2. Steve Steve, a stack up to 450 degrees in lowest position. Remove the dough first circle from the refrigerator; Go around rolling pin (discarding papers) and unravel carefully in a 9 inch pipe. Soften or down to the pate plate, so build the sides and sides. Avoid melting of the dough. Fridge.
Place the lemon juice in a large bowl. Peel, core, and apple cut to 1/4-inches thick. Add them as cuisines, add lemon juice (keep them brown). Add sugar, dough, cinnamon and salt. To toggle.
4. Remove dough from plate dyed pack of plate from the refrigerator. Fill the apple with the mixture, gently rub the apple and mount it in the middle. Dot with butter. A light brush rim of water piping shell. Remove the dough left circle from the refrigerator. Lie down to the apple; Press the rumpling to seal. Kitchen utensils, rotate up to 1 inch.
5. Flammable fingers, have a thick rim at the top; Pinch between the thumbs and limbs to create the only carriage around the rim pack of the pack.
6. To freeze the edges: Hold the hand with the hand and input and hold it with your hand. Pie Pie. (The thick indents Ring keeps the ply plate off without baking when baking on the shoulder.)
Using a flattened paring knife, knock down 5 to 6, shift from the center; Place the plate plate on a rider baking sheet. Bake 20 minutes; Decreased heat and reduces heat to 375 degrees Celsius. If the tip is too late, cover it with aluminum foil. Complete, at least 6 hours, before serving.


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